Dhul Hijjah Daily Giving for Hunger Crisis

Daily Amount to be Charged Everyday

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How it Works

  1. Enter the amount you would like to give daily

  2. Your first donation will start from the day you sign up, and you'll receive a confirmation email of the daily amount you specified

  3. The amount you enter will be charged every day and you will receive a daily acknowledgement email

  4. Your last donation will automatically be charged on July 9, 2022 (the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah)

* Donations are Zakat eligible

All donations go towards the Hunger Crisis Appeal to bring urgent relief to people facing starvation in Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia. Your donation will be matched by the Canadian Government to help us reach the double the families in need.

Together, we can spread the blessing of Dhul Hijjah everywhere.

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